Inclusion Accelerator - Wales

Inclusion Accelerator Wales was a first of its kind project delivered in partnership with Media Cymru, Channel 4 and BBC Cymru Wales to 10 Welsh indies - in order to undertake a more joined-up and impact-driven approach to how we nurture and progress talent.

The programme included training, data analysis and talent connecting activities with senior leaders and hiring managers at the 10 companies, to equip them with the knowledge, confidence and skills they need to run truly inclusive and accessible productions.

In tandem the group looked at processes, policies and work culture in order to assess where their biggest challenges to talent progression and retention lie.

We then used this data to build strategies for individual companies, and to strengthen the wider talent and skills ecosystem in South Wales.

You can read the full report on both English and Welsh below:

Inclusion Accelerator Wales Q+A Webinar
